


  1. Magnetic edge fields in UTe2 near zero background fields
    Y. Iguchi, H. Man, S. M. Thomas, F. Ronning, J. Ishizuka, M. Sigrist, P.F.S. Rosa, and K. A. Moler
    Physical Review B 110, 214505 (2024).  [arXiv]
    Magnetic edge fields can be created by intrinsic chiral edge currents or extrinsic meissner screening current with magnetic impurities. The latter might caused edge fields observed on UTe2.
  2. Superconducting Penetration Depth Through a Van Hove Singularity: Sr2RuO4 Under Uniaxial Stress
    E. Mueller, Y. Iguchi, F. Jerzembeck, J.O. Rodriguez, M. Romanelli, E. Abarca-Morales, A. Markou, N. Kikugawa, D.A. Sokolov, G. Oh, C.W. Hicks, A.P. Mackenzie, Y. Maeno, V. Madhavan, and K.A. Moler
    Physical Review B 110, L100502 (2024).  [arXiv]

    [Editors' Suggestion]

  3. Anomalous superfluid density in a disordered charge density wave material: Pd-intercalated ErTe3
    Y. Iguchi, J.A. Straquadine, C. Murthy, S.A. Kivelson, A. Singh, I.R. Fisher, and K.A. Moler
    Physical Review Letters 133, 036001 (2024).  [arXiv]

    [Editors' Suggestion]
    [On the Cover]
    Research Highlights: Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES)

    The temperature dependence of the superfluid density ns in PdxErTe3 is consistent with the Quantum Rotor Model(QRM) in a 2D lattice, including quantum and thermal phase fluctuations, rather than the BCS model.
  4. In situ local imaging of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in RbEuFe4As4
    H. Man, Y. Iguchi, J. Bao, D.Y. Chung, and M.G. Kanatzidis
    Nano Letters 24, 9082 (2024).  [arXiv]
  5. Scanning SQUID study of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates
    R. A. Shi, B. Y. Wang, Y. Iguchi, M. Osada, K. Lee, B. H. Goodge, L. F. Kourkoutis, H. Y. Hwang, and K. A. Moler
    Physical Review Materials 8, 024802 (2024).  [arXiv]

    [Editors' Suggestion]

  6. Constraints on a split superconducting transition under uniaxial strain in Sr2RuO4 from scanning SQUID microscopy
    E. Mueller,Y. Iguchi, C. Watson, C. Hicks, Y. Maeno, and K. A. Moler
    Physical Review B 108, 144501 (2023).  [arXiv]

    [Editors' Suggestion]

  7. Superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum
    Y. Iguchi, R. A. Shi, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, M. Barkman, A. L. Benfenati, V. Grinenko, E. Babaev, and K. A. Moler
    Science 380, 1244-1247 (2023).  [arXiv]

    Research Highlights: Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES)
    Press release(by KTH), (TD Lee): EurekAlert!, PHYS.ORG
    Commentary: "Un-quantized Vortices Observed", Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics

    Un-quantized vortex
  8. Microscopic imaging homogeneous and single phase superfluid density in UTe2
    Y. Iguchi, H. Man, S. M. Thomas, F. Ronning, P.F.S. Rosa, and K. A. Moler
    Physical Review Letters 130, 196003 (2023).  [arXiv]

    Research Highlights: Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES)

    Single phase superfluid density in UTe2
  9. Nonreciprocal microwave response at room temperature in multiferroic Y-type hexaferrite BaSrCo2Fe11AlO22
    S. Hirose, Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, T. Kimura, and Y. Onose
    Applied Physics Letters 121, 222401 (2022).

    [Editor's picks]

  10. Local observation of linear-T superfluid density and anomalous vortex dynamics in URu2Si2
    Y. Iguchi, I. P. Zhang, E. D. Bauer, F. Ronning, J. R. Kirtley, and K. A. Moler
    Physical Review B 103, L220503 (2021).  [arXiv]

    Anomalous vortex dynamics in URu2Si2 (Application Snippets:Nanopositioners at attocube)

    SSM on URu2Si2
  11. Imaging anisotropic vortex dynamics in FeSe
    I. P. Zhang, J. C. Palmstrom, H. Noad, L. B.-V. Horn, Y. Iguchi, Z. Cui, E. Mueller, J. R. Kirtley, I. R. Fisher, and K. A. Moler
    Physical Review B 100, 024514 (2019).  [arXiv]
  12. Microwave non-reciprocity of magnon excitations in a non-centrosymmetric antiferromagnet Ba2MnGe2O7
    Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, M. Kawano, H. Murakawa, N. Hanasaki, and Y. Onose
    Physical Review B 98, 064416 (2018).  [arXiv]
    Nonreciprocity in AFM
  13. Magnetoelectrical control of nonreciprocal microwave response in a multiferroic helimagnet
    Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, and Y. Onose
    Nature Communications 8, 15252 (2017).  [arXiv]


    ME control microwave nonreciprocity
  14. Microwave Magneto-Chiral Effect in a Noncentro-symmetric Magnet CuB2O4
    Y.Nii, R. Sasaki, Y. Iguchi, and Y. Onose
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 86, 024707 (2017).  [arXiv]

    [Editors' choice](解説記事)
    紹介記事:JPSJ News and Comments日刊工業新聞(2017/2/3)

  15. Nonreciprocal propagation of surface acoustic wave in Ni/LiNbO3
    R. Sasaki, Y. Nii, Y. Iguchi, and Y. Onose
    Physical Review B 95, 020407(R) (2017).  [arXiv]

    [Rapid Communication]

  16. Terahertz Radiation by Subpicosecond Magnetization Modulation in the Ferrimagnet LiFe5O8
    Y. Kinoshita, N. Kida, M. Sotome, T. Miyamoto, Y. Iguchi, Y. Onose, and H. Okamoto
    ACS Photonics 3, 1170 (2016).


  17. Nonreciprocal magnon propagation in a noncentrosymmetric ferromagnet LiFe5O8
    Y. Iguchi, S. Uemura, K. Ueno, and Y. Onose
    Physical Review B 92, 184419 (2015).  [arXiv]

    解説記事:固体物理 vol.51 No.7(通巻605号)2016年   [pdf]

    magnon nonreciprocity in chiral FM
  18. Uniaxial-Pressure Effects on Spin-Driven Lattice Distortions in Geometrically Frustrated Magnets CuFe1-xGaxO2 (x=0, 0.035)
    T. Nakajima, Y. Iguchi, H. Tamatsukuri, S. Mitsuda, Y. Yamasaki, H. Nakao, and N. Terada
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 114711 (2013).


  1. 温度に依存した分数磁束量子を持つ超伝導渦糸
    サイエンス誌に載った日本人研究者2023 (2024年3月)  [pdf]
  2. 海外コミュニティのすゝめ:コロナ禍に発足したスタンフォード大学の日本人研究者コミュニティ—JASS
    UJA GAZETTE 第12号 (2024年1月)   [pdf]  [web blog]
  3. ジャロシンスキー守谷相互作用に由来する非相反マグノン伝搬
    固体物理 vol.51 No.7(通巻605号)2016年  [pdf]
  4. 空間反転対称性が破れた強磁性体における非相反マグノン伝搬
    東京大学低温センター 年次報告 平成26年度(2014年度)


  1. Magnetic Imaging Chiral Superconductors and Un-quantized Vortex
    Beyond standard superconducting and superfluid states: electron quadrupling condensates and composite orders, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden, May 19-23, 2025
  2. Un-quantized Vortex and Edge Fields in Multicomponent Superconductors
    The International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM) 2025, Fethiye, Turkey, Session: Multicomponent superconductivity and related phenomena
  3. Magnetic Imaging of Chiral and Magnetic Superconductors
    2025 Materials Research Society(MRS) Spring Meeting, Seattle, WA, Symposium: EL07-Superconducting Materials
  4. 過去の講演
  5. Anomalous Superfluid Density in Quasi-2D Superconductors PdxErTe3
    He Lab Seminar, Yale University, CT, Jun 18, 2024
  6. 超伝導体における温度依存した非量子化渦糸の発見
    UJA論文賞2024オンライン授賞式, 受賞記念講演, 2024年5月12日
  7. Superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2024(Minneapolis), M41.00005
  8. Observation of Unquantized Vortices in Superconductor
    Quantum Seminar, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (online), Oct 11, 2023
  9. Observation of Un-quantized Fluxes in Superconducting Vortices
    7th KUJI QMAT Seminar, Cambridge, Kyoto, Seoul, and Salerno (online), Sep 7, 2023
  10. Microscopic imaging homogeneous and single phase superfluid density in UTe2
    UTe2 seminar (online), Tohoku University and University of Grenoble Alpes, Dec 7, 2022
  11. Scanning SQUID microscopy on unconventional superconductors
    小野瀬研セミナー, 東北大学金属研究所, 2022年8月29日
  12. Scanning SQUID microscopy on chiral superconductor candidates
    松枝研セミナー, 東北大学青葉山キャンパス, 2022年8月26日
  13. 空間反転対称性が破れた磁性体におけるマグノン励起の非相反性
    第59回理窓博士会学位新取得者記念講演会、東京理科大学 2021 (Tokyo+online), 1
  14. Scanning SQUID Microscopy on Chiral Superconductor Candidates Sr2RuO4 and URu2Si2
    32nd International Symposium on Superconductivity 2019(Kyoto), PC1-1-INV
  15. 空間反転対称性が破れた磁性体中の非相反マイクロ波応答
    NTT基礎研究所, 2017年3月22日


  1. Visualizing Dynamics of Vortex Clusters in Multiband Superconductor CaSb2, (Oral)
    Y. Iguchi, N. Nandi, M. Oudah, J. Bannies, M. C. Aronson, D. A. Bonn, and K. A. Moler
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2024(Minneapolis), Session Q15.00012
  2. Superconducting Penetration Depth Through a Van Hove Singularity: Sr2RuO4 Under Uniaxial Stress, (Oral)
    E. Mueller, Y. Iguchi, F. Jerzembeck, J.O. Rodriguez, M. Romanelli, E. Abarca-Morales, A. Markou, N. Kikugawa, D.A. Sokolov, G. Oh, C.W. Hicks, A.P. Mackenzie, Y. Maeno, V. Madhavan, and K.A. Moler
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2024(Minneapolis), Session K16.00011
  3. Microscopic source of quasiparticle loss in tantalum resonators, (Oral)
    F. Bahrami, N. Shumiya, M. Bland, R. Chang, R. A. McLellan, K. D. Crowley, C. Yang, L. Bishop-Van Horn, Y. Iguchi, K. A. Moler, R. J Cava, A. A. Houck, and N. P. de Leon
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2024(Minneapolis), Session M47.00011
  4. Superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum, (Poster)
    Y. Iguchi
    Aspen Center for Physics -2024 Winter Conference Disorder and Quantum Phases of Matter, Poster Session 12
  5. Observation of superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum, (Oral)
    Y. Iguchi, R.A. Shi, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, V. Grinenko, E. Babaev, and K. A. Moler
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2023(Las Vegas), Session Y28.00004
  6. Constraints on a split superconducting transition under uniaxial strain in Sr2RuO4 from scanning SQUID microscopy
    E. Mueller,Y. Iguchi, C. Watson, C. Hicks, Y. Maeno, and K. A. Moler
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2023(Las Vegas), Session Y22.00008
  7. Direct observation of vortices in infinite-layer nickelate superconductors, (Oral)
    R. Shi, K. Lee, B.Y. Wang, Y. Iguchi, H. Y. Hwang, K. Moler
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2023(Las Vegas), Session S19.00006
  8. Imaging edge fields on chiral superconductor candidate UTe2, (Oral)
    Y. Iguchi
    29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physic (LT29) at Sapporo, Session 22A-SF2A-03
  9. Microscopic imaging of UTe2 by scanning SQUID microscopy, (Oral)
    Y. Iguchi, H. Man, S.M. Thomas, F. Ronning, P. Rosa, K. Moler
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2022(Chicago), Session Y65.00002
  10. Superconductivity coexisting with ferromagnetic order in RbEuFe4As4 studied by scanning SQUID microscopy, (Oral)
    H. Man, Y. Iguchi, J. Bao, D.Y. Chung, M.G. Kanatzidis, K. Moler
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2022(Chicago), Session W69.00012
  11. Coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates, (Oral)
    R. Shi, B.Y. Wang, Y. Iguchi, M. Osada, K. Lee, H. Y. Hwang, K. Moler
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2022(Chicago), Session T57.00005
  12. Non BCS-like superfluid density in a disordered charge density wave material: Pd-intercalated ErTe3, (Oral)
    Y. Iguchi, J.A. Straquadine, J.R. Kirtley, A. Singh, I.R. Fisher, and K.A. Moler
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2021(Online), Session A47.00008, (Video)
  13. Effect of uniaxial strain on the superconducting state of Sr2RuO4, (Oral)
    E. Mueller, Y. Iguchi, C. Watson, C.W. Hicks, Y. Maeno, and K.A. Moler
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2021(Online), Session V47.00002, (Video)
  14. Visualizing anomalous vortex dynamics and coexisting ferromagnetic domains in URu2Si2, (Poster)
    Y. Iguchi
    Fundamentals of Quantum Materials(FQM) 2020 Winter School (University of Maryland) Poster session
  15. Local rotational symmetry breaking of superconducting phase in URu2Si2, (Oral,Poster)
    Y. Iguchi
    CIFAR QM(Canadian Institute of Foundation for Advanced Research Quantum Materials) Program Meeting 2019 (Vancouver), Poster session
    CIFAR QM Summer school 2019(University of British Columbia), Oral and Poster session
  16. Imaging Anisotropic Vortex Motion in FeSe, (Poster)
    I. Zhang, L. B.-V. Horn, J. Palmstrom, J. R. Kirtley, Y. Iguchi, I. R. Fisher, K. A. Moler
    XVII International Workshop on Vortex Matter in Superconductors (Vortex 2019) (Antwerp), Poster Session RSP.22
  17. Study of chiral d-wave superconductor candidate URu2Si2 by using scanning SQUID microscopy, (Oral)
    Y. Iguchi, I.P. Zhang, E.D. Bauer, F. Ronning, J.R. Kirtley, and K.A. Moler
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2019(Boston), Session X08.00010
  18. Anisotropic Vortex Pinning in Single Crystal FeSe, (Oral)
    I. Zhang, L. B.-V. Horn, J. Palmstrom, J. R. Kirtley, Y. Iguchi, I. R. Fisher, K. A. Moler
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2019(Boston), Session X10.00010
  19. Non-reciprocal microwave response of antiferromagnetic magnons in a multiferroic Ba2MnGe2O7, (Oral)
    Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, H. Murakawa, N. Hanasaki, and Y. Onose
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2018(Los Angeles), Session H23.00009
  20. Microwave response of antiferromagnetic magnons in a multiferroic Ba2MnGe2O7, (Poster)
    Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, and Y. Onose
    Junjiro Kanamori Memorial International Symposium 2017(Tokyo), Poster session:P56
  21. Magnetoelectrical control of nonreciprocal microwave response in a multiferroic helimagnet, (Oral)
    Y. Iguchi, Y. Nii, and Y. Onose
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2017(New Orleans), Session F50.00008
  22. Nonreciprocal propagation of surface acoustic waves in Ni/LiNbO3, (Oral)
    R. Sasaki, Y. Nii, Y. Iguchi, and Y. Onose
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2017(New Orleans), Session A47.00013
  23. Magnetoelectrical control of nonreciprocal microwave response in a multiferroic helimagnet, (Poster)
    Y. Iguchi
    CEMS-QPEC Symposium on Emergent Quantum Materials 2017(Tokyo), Poster session:P29
  24. Nonreciprocal magnon propagation in a noncentrosymmetric ferromagnet LiFe5O8, (Oral)
    Y. Iguchi, S. Uemura, K. Ueno, and Y. Onose
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2016(Baltimore), Session B6.00002


  1. 温度依存した非量子化磁束を運ぶ超伝導渦糸の観測, (口頭発表)
    井口雄介, R.A. Shi, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, M. Barkman, A. Benfenati, V. Grinenko, E. Babaev, and K. A. Moler
    日本物理学会第78回(2023年)年次大会(東北大), 領域6, 16aB101-5
  2. 走査型SQUID顕微鏡を利用したカイラル超伝導候補物質UTe2の局所超伝導状態の観測, (口頭発表)
    井口雄介, H. Man, S.M. Thomas, F. Ronning, J. Ishizuka, M. Sigrist, P.F.S. Rosa, and K.A. Moler
    日本物理学会2022年秋季大会(東工大)、領域8 12pW521-5
  3. 乱れた電荷密度波物質PdxErTe3における非BCS型超流動密度の観測, (口頭発表)
    井口雄介, J.A. Straquadine, J.R. Kirtley, A. Singh, I.R. Fisher, and K.A. Moler
    日本物理学会第76回(2021年)年次大会(オンライン)、領域6 14aF1-1
  4. 走査型SQUID顕微鏡を利用したカイラルd波超伝導体候補URu2Si2の研究, (口頭発表)
    井口雄介, I.P. Zhang, E.D. Bauer, F. Ronning, J.R. Kirtley, and K.A. Moler
    日本物理学会第74回(2019年)年次大会(九州大学)、領域8 14aS302-8
  5. マルチフェロイクスBa2MnGe2O7における反強磁性マグノンのマイクロ波応答,(口頭発表)
    井口雄介, 新居陽一, 小野瀬佳文
    日本物理学会2017年秋季大会(岩手大学)、領域8 23aE31-8
  6. 超伝導回路共振器を用いたマルチフェロイクスにおける非相反現象観測の試み,(口頭発表)
    濱原義明, 新居陽一, 井口雄介, 小野瀬佳文
    日本物理学会2017年秋季大会(岩手大学)、領域8 22pF21-11
  7. 強誘電らせん磁性体における非相反マイクロ波応答の電場制御,(口頭発表)
    井口雄介, 新居陽一, 小野瀬佳文
    日本物理学会2016年秋季大会(金沢大学)、領域3 13aAA-8
  8. 非反転対称磁性体CuB2O4のマイクロ波応答,(口頭発表)
    新居陽一, 佐々木遼, 井口雄介, 小野瀬佳文
    日本物理学会第71回(2016年)年次大会(東北学院大学)、領域3 22aAU-2
  9. Ni/LiNbO3における表面弾性波の磁気弾性結合と非相反性,(口頭発表)
    佐々木遼, 新居陽一, 井口雄介, 小野瀬佳文
    日本物理学会第71回(2016年)年次大会(東北学院大学)、領域3 19aAU-11
  10. フェムト秒レーザー誘起高速磁化変調によるテラヘルツ電磁場発生を利用したフェリ磁性体LiFe5O8における磁化ダイナミクスの観測,(口頭発表)
    日本物理学会2015年秋季大会(関西大学)、領域5 16pCF-9
  11. 空間反転対称性が破れた強磁性体LiFe5O8における高波数マグノン励起のマイクロ波応答,(口頭発表)
    日本物理学会第70回(2015年)年次大会(早稲田大学)、領域3 24aAD-6
  12. フェムト秒レーザー誘起高速磁化変調によるフェリ磁性体LiFe5O8からのテラヘルツ電磁波発生,(口頭発表)
    日本物理学会第70回(2015年)年次大会(早稲田大学)、領域5 23pCP-6
  13. 空間反転対称性が破れた磁性体LiFe5O8におけるマイクロ波応答,(口頭発表)
    日本物理学会第69回(2014年)年次大会(東海大学)、領域3・領域8合同 29pAY-6
  14. フラストレートした磁性体CuFe1-xGaxO2(x=0,0.035)の一軸圧力中放射光X線回折,(口頭発表)
    日本物理学会2013年秋季大会(徳島大学)、領域3 25aKF-4


  • Japanese Academic Seminars at Stanford, CA
    Co-Founder & Organizer, 2022/6-現在
    JASS logo
  • 海外日本人研究者ネットワーク(UJA)
    Project Leader, WG10, 2024/1–現在
    サブグループ”Community Launching Support”の立ち上げ。
    Vice Chair, WG7, 2024/8–現在
    UJA logo
  • Girls Who Code in Japanese
    Co-Founder, 2022/7–現在
    Girls Who Codeの教材の日本語翻訳及びそれを使ったデモ授業。
    GWCJ logo
  1. 夢の技術、超伝導って知ってる? 授業,8名の日本の小学生, 2024年4月
    Stanford University, CA, USA
  2. スタンフォード式:超伝導の測り方/研究機関としてのスタンフォード大学
    ボランティア授業・ラボツアー,3名の日本の高校生と2名のGun High school Students, 2024年3月
    Stanford University, CA, USA
  3. 子どもの可能性をつぶさない!数学嫌いにならない子どもに育てるには?
    ECC ウェビナー, 2023年12月 (アーカイブ:セミナーパネルディスカッション)
  4. 対話の危機:リアルタイムオンライン教育の再形成
    SpatialChat webinar, ゲストスピーカー, 2023年11月
  5. スタンフォード式:超伝導の測り方/研究機関としてのスタンフォード大学
    JASS特別講義,14名の立命館大学商学部4年生対象, 2023年9月
    Stanford University, CA, USA
  6. 磁場捕獲の謎解き:超伝導体の電気渦が示す最新科学
    Japanese Academic Seminars at Stanford、12回、2023年7月 (アーカイブ)
    Stanford University, CA, USA
  7. 電子回路の組み立て
    Greenleaf TK-8 School, CA, USA
  8. Q&A session, 物質の状態について
    Skype a Scientist、ゲストティーチャー、2021年12月
    Chardon Primary School, NE, USA(online)
  9. 永遠に流れる不思議な電子
    Berkeley Japanese Academic Network 第73回交流会, 2021年
    UC Berkeley, CA, USA(online)
  10. 写真で学ぶ超伝導
    Stanford Visitors Meetup, 第11回, 2019年
    Stanford University, CA, USA
  11. 走査型SQUID顕微鏡で覗く超伝導の世界
    Berkeley Japanese Academic Network 第56回交流会, 2019年
    UC Berkeley, CA, USA
  12. 走査型SQUID顕微鏡を用いた"非従来型"超伝導の研究
    JSPS主催日本人研究者交流会 2019年度夏研究紹介, 2019(口頭)
    Berkeley, CA, USA

(C) 2018 YIguchi-condmat
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